Economic Downtown Strategy — Who are you working with?
Part 2 of maybe more
Today’s thought is straightforward enough, think deeply about why people are with you.
Do you have mercenaries or missionaries?
How much have you invested in growing a team who truly cares about your mission? Did you invest in empowering teams and sharing decision making? How much is their identity tied to being a [insert clever/cute company-specific name, e.g. Metamate]?
If you don’t know for sure, I think it’s a good time to stop assuming and stop asking leading questions. Start making a safe space and get the real information. Set up small group or 1:1 discussions with trusted good managers about real evidence of past/current behaviour. Few organizations I’ve seen are able to achieve this — those who can/do, will be ahead. If you aren’t there yet, start building trust now, so you can get there before the majority do.
We all have tough times ahead. You don’t want to be making decisions today to keep people who are likely to jump ship when(/if) the waters get rough.
This is actually good for both company and the people. The company will provide them an opportunity to learn an important lesson and to find a better fit where they land, before it gets harder for them. Not everyone can stay, but everyone can leave with their head held high.
From the other side, how are you showing up to your boss, to your skip level, to the executive, and to the company? Are you showing up as the type of employee who is persisting, resilient, and committed (or other shared values) who they want to keep around in tough times? It’s always good to show it explicitly and even check if that’s what they are perceiving. Crucially, don’t make it a performance — do it honestly. Tap into both your direct value add and “soft” skills; then, don’t just hope they see — make it happen.